
"K Yoga" - First Collaboration by Walter C.

Click on the picture to access the gallery

Click on the picture to access the gallery

What a series of firsts ! 

After the first "official" assignment last week, here is the result of my first collaboration. And what a collaboration !

Our friend Karine decided a few months ago to embark on a new adventure: study to become a qualified yoga teacher.  Which she did ! 

And Karine asked us, Nathalie C. and yours truly, to help with the visuals of her then-upcoming website.

Hence the collaboration: Nathalie C. x Walter C.

With Nathalie C. in charge of the shoot with Karine in a studio in Camden. And Walter C. taking care of the black and white editing of the pictures.

The result can be seen in this gallery, here.

And directly on the beautiful website of the talented Karine, here. Of course, do not hesitate to reach out to her should you be in need (aren't we all ?) of a de-stressing session of yoga, pilates, or even a mix of the two ! Karine now has students both in Paris and London - hence, wherever you are, she will be there for you.

And don't hesitate to follow us on Instragram:

K Yoga Holistic

Nathalie C.

Walter C.

As usual, any comment is more than welcome.

Enjoy !

Walter C.

PS: I have to admit, I lied. This photo shoot is not the first collaboration between Nathalie C. and I. We have had a series of collaborations historically, the most perfect of those being the 2 magnificent little monsters of 5.5 and 3.5 years we just put to bed...

"The Beta Mum" launch - First official assignment by Walter C.

Click on the picture above to open the gallery

Click on the picture above to open the gallery

For the first time, I was asked by a friend to be her "official" event photographer. And not for any event: for the launch party of her very first book... Quite a few firsts ! 

Both somewhat flattering and intimidating. It is one thing to swing my Leica around on the kids playground or around the streets of beautiful cities. It is another to feel some responsibility for making a moment a bit more memorable.

The party was last Tuesday, at the Notting Hill Bookshop. No better place to launch a book about the life of a beta mum looking for her place in the world of the Notting Hill alpha mums.

And what a weather, what a light !... 

So, did my best. To be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. To take the expected posed pictures, but also to try to capture those less expected moments, expressions, slices of life. Stolen portraits. My pêcher mignon... 

The result ? Well... see by yourself...  The picture gallery is available here


For the book:

"The Beta Mum - Adventures in Alpha Land" by Isabella Davidson (blog here and instagram there). 


As usual - any comment more than welcome below...

And don't hesitate to follow me on instagram here

Enjoy ! 



Light Painting by Walter C.

"Light in Taxi (Paris, 2014)"Click on image to access the portfolio

"Light in Taxi (Paris, 2014)"

Click on image to access the portfolio

[Version Francaise ci-dessous]

Back to the origins.

Back to the origins of photography... 

The word "Photography" comes from the following Greek roots: 

  •  φωτός (phōtos), genitive of φῶς (phōs), "light
  • and γραφή (graphé) "representation by means of lines" or "drawing",
  • together meaning "drawing with light".

Drawing with light, painting with light... Like in the selection of pictures in this portfolio.

Click here to access the portfolio.

As usual, comments and feedback more than welcome.

Enjoy !

Walter C.


Retour aux origines.

Retour aux origines de la photographie...

Le mot "Photographie" vient du Grec:

  • le préfixe « photo- » - φωτoς (photos), qui réfère à la lumière, clarté;
  • le suffixe « -graphie » - γραφειν (graphein), qui veut dire peindre, dessiner, écrire
  • littéralement : « peindre avec la lumière ».

Peindre avec la lumière... Comme dans la selection de photos de ce portfolio.

Cliquer ici pour accéder à la série.

N'hésitez pas à laisser un commentaire ci-dessous et à donner votre feedback.

Enjoy !

Walter C.

London - Eccentric Traditions by Walter C.

Click the picture to access the portfolio

Click the picture to access the portfolio


London has the unusual characteristic of being eccentric in a traditional way. Or traditional in an eccentric way. 

With a history of growing very defined and strict rules - while at the same time accepting (not always seamlessly) the questioning of such. 

A walk around Covent Gardens on a sunny summer afternoon was the occasion to try to capture those two faces - living side by side. And together. 


Click here to access the portfolio.  


As usual, your comments and feedback are more than welcome. 

To receive future posts, sign up to the Newsletter at the top right of this page.

Enjoy !

Walter C.

Photography Workshop - 3 Months After 3 Days with Thorsten Overgaard by Walter C.

Click image to open portfolio

Click image to open portfolio

Thorsten Overgaard, one of the best known Leica evangelists, delivers photography workshops around the world. Literally.  

Having attended one of them in London last December, the 3 days were filled with technical as well as intuitive information.

But after 3 months, which are the pieces of advice which have stuck ?

  • Never, ever, leave home without your camera
  • Never, ever, put the lense cap on your camera. Or switch it off. Every millisecond counts when the moment gets decisive
  • Forget about mega pixels, fps rates and SD card writing speeds. It is all about light. And only about light

The list could be a lot longer - but those are the essential ones. 

Click here to access the portfolio from the workshop.  

Do not hesitate to share thoughts in the Comments box below - this is actually the 4th point which stuck: share your work so that others can help you understand what you do well. And not so well.  

To receive future posts, sign up to the Newsletter at the top right of this page.

Enjoy !

Walter C.